You’re looking for drinking games ideas for parties? Thanks to Drinked you’ll have the bests drinking games in a single app. Just download for free the Drinked app on your smartphone.
What’s the purpose of Drinked?
The goal of Drinked is to make awesome parties with your friends thanks to the best drinking games. Often, when we are at a party we are looking for drinking games to drink and to have fun with friends. But we don’t always have ideas or sometimes we don’t have cards or dice to play drinking games…
Thanks to Drinked, you’ll get access to the best drinking games in your smartphone. No more forgetting cards or dice as long as you have your smartphone.
What drinking games are available in Drinked?
The app is currently in development. As soon as Drinked will be available you’ll find in this app these drinking games:
- Kings Cup
- Never Have I Ever
- Truth or Dare
- Most Likely
- Straight Face
- Dixit
- Kinito
Would you like a particular game to be added in Drinked? Leave a comment and I’ll tell you if it’s possible to add this game in Drinked app 😉
When Drinked will be available?
Drinked app is currently in development. I’m doing my best to release it as soon as possible. This drinking game app will be available for free on Android and iOS.
Remains vigilant with alcohol. Drink moderately.
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